Brown Veterinary Housecalls
Written Prescriptions are available by request
Written Prescriptions are based on current exam findings or appropriate TeLeVET consult only
Active patients may submit written prescriptions directly to third party pharmacies (local or online) of their choice
Written prescriptions are available during in person appointments, via local pick up at Soul Puppy or by mail (email not available)
To request a written prescription please email
Note: if your pet is under the care of a specialist or full service brick and mortar clinic for services not provided by Dr. Brown and has been prescribed medication by doctors at said facilities, all refill requests for medications not prescribed by Dr. Brown must be directed back to the prescribing doctor
If the patient will no longer be seeking care at said facilities then a current/updated exam by Dr. Brown is required and/or TeLeVET Time Consult(s) to evaluate records/diagnostics/labwork from other facilities prior to written Rx request approval (exam/televet fees apply)
Please note some medications prescribed by specialists or other doctors may not be available from Dr. Brown. Certain medications may only be obtained via continued care from the specialist or brick and mortar full service clinics. Dr. Brown reserves the right to dispense medication at her discretion
* A valid Veterinary Client Patient Relationship (VCPR) is required for all prescription medications
**TCVM only patients must consult with their full service GP for all western medication